Make Your Website Stand Out For CPA Networks

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One of the most frequently asked questions about CPA is “Do I need a website in order to get accepted to a network?”. It is a fair question too, as some of the promotions run by CPA advertisers do not actually need to be advertised through a website specifically.
There are promotions that will work equally well through social networking.
Some CPA networks will accept you without a website, and if you are filled with dread at the prospect of setting up a website for some reason, then you can concentrate on working through them. However if the question is “Do I need a website in order to make real progress?” the answer is “Yes.”
There can be no denying that CPA networks look much more favorably on applicants who have a website to link to. This is a fact. In fact, many networks have a hard and fast rule preventing people from signing up to the network if they do not have a website.
The best networks stipulate that you need to have a website, and will check that website to see if it is up to the standards they have come to expect from applicants.
Therefore it cannot be a holding page, it should not be a social networking profile, and it should have original content and some concept of design to it.
Think about applying for a credit card or a loan. You have to go through a credit check to show the lender that you are trustworthy, or they won’t lend you the money.
With CPA networks, they are staking their reputation on providing good affiliates, so they want you to show that you know what that takes. Give them something good to look at.

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